Elf subraces forgotten realms bookoo

These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by final game design and editing. Also star elves are supposed to be from another plane so they should be very different from the other subraces credit to where its due, i balanced the races based on this guide. Halfling history is, by and large, like the race, unremarkable. Unlike statet in the players handbook, characters in the forgotten realms almost always have a patron. In game terms, a subrace is, for all intents and purposes, a race of its own, but all the subraces of a particular race share many of the same qualities and are related. Wood elf has the same base abilities as an elf role play the ability scores you give your character. Sun, moon and star might try to add later, i read moon elves are just copies of high elves in swordcoast but id like to get more variance.

Homebrew 5e uncommon elves of the forgotten realms. Silvermoon is a city of elves, the races of elves also include the drow or dark elves that. Nevertheless, you make a great point in that i should be considering how other dms might want to. Here they call themselves telquessir, which means the people. This is a thorough and flavorful set of options to elves of the forgotten realms. If you pick a subrace that is not listed here you will have to. The table below shows all subraces allowed on the north. These dwarves tend to be fatalistic due to generations of declining numbers. As a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. One type which includes the gray elves and valley elves of greyhawk, the silvanesti of dragonlance, and the sun elves of the forgotten realms is haughty and reclusive. Its all textbased with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice. Occasionally the term noble eladrin was used to denote more.

Its an okay rum down of most elf subraces, but eladarin and shadar kai are not refered to as the 5e eladarin and shadar kai are very different from the past, shadar kai werent elves even in the past. Acceptable names displays the exact spelling to be entered into the subrace field. Archived homebrew 5e uncommon elves of the forgotten realms. Shield dwarves have a longstanding enmity for the descendants of clan duergar, dating back to the kin clashes that marked shanatars final chapter. High elves, also known as eladrin, were graceful warriors and wizards who originated from the realm of faerie, also known as the feywild. In warhammer fantasy battle, elves all live to 2500 years, their units are always less armored and faster than the human equivalents, and they have the most marysue wizards of anybody else in warhammer asur. Siberian husky puppies in swansea, american pit bull terrier vizsla in warwick, dal trac oil in attleboro, 99 cent discounted yard sale in fall river, 15 toni circle in north smithfield. After the positive response to the eladrin a couple of months ago in unearthed arcana, we decided to explore four more elf subraces. Wild elves have all the racial traits listed in the forgotten realms campaign setting, except as follows. From an early age they also learned to defend themselves, particularly with swords.

Silverwhite elves with the ability to voluntarily shapeshift into equally palecolored wolves, native to the forgotten realms. The raven queen has a place, and its not in the default setting for 5e, the forgotten realms, nor is it in setting neutral content. Elf subraces this document provides new subrace options for elves. Known as high elves because they think they are better than you. The players handbook connects the high elves to the gray elves and valley elves of the greyhawk setting, the silvanesti and qualinesti of the dragonlance setting, and the sun elves and moon elves of the forgotten realms. Nightmares of barovia, including details and rules for perhaps the least. The latter had blue skin with white stripes and patches. Elves are long lived and spend much time in study or exploring, giving many people the impression that they are not entirely concerned with the world around them, while others may find them a bit chaotic. The entirety of this article comes directly from forgotten realms. While not implemented in nwn by default, the forgotten realms setting includes seven types of elven subraces in addition to moon elves the default in nwn. Because they took around twenty years to reach adulthood, they matured quickly when raised. More tolerant of humans than other elves, moon elves were the. Although they were of the same subrace, aquatic elves from the.

This category includes the wild elves grugach of greyhawk and the kagonesti of dragonlance, as well as the races called wood elves in greyhawk and the forgotten realms. This is a repost from another reddit that i think some here might enjoy. Although they were of the same subrace, aquatic elves from the great sea had a different appearance to those from the sea of fallen stars. As it is noted that fr has only four added subraces for elves. Traits are how that subrace differs from human, not from the base race do not factor in base race adjustments. Stringheart halflings make up most of the population of the land of luiren.

Additional nongood elven types created for this setting include the snow elves, valley elves, and wild elves. We already have to deal with the hexblade having her listed in its flavor text, even though its in a book that has a forgotten realms only character as part of. Unlike the other elf subraces, wild elves favor weapons they can make without a source of metal and a smithy. Human forgotten realms theofficialbestiary wikia fandom. All racial abilities are the same as the base race.

Halflings aka hin are a race featured in the forgotten realms series. On page 106 of the scag, there are listed five rare subraces of elf that have. Wild elves or green elves, also known as sytelquessir or grugach, are a feral, stealthy subrace of the elven species that have become more. This is playtest material the material here is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination. They were magical in nature and shared an interest in the arcane arts. Craigslist search, craigslist is no longer supported. Advice on using xan and enchanters in general beamdog. They are small humanoids, known for getting along with others and for their curiosity and tendency to collect things. In eberron, the elves originated in xendrik during the age of giants, where they were slaves of the giants. As a result, many halfelves lacked a true accent or even a consistent cultural outlook, and a common name for pidgins in faerun is the tongue of a halfelf. Forgotten realms telquessir the people aquatic elf alutelquessir,two cultures. Elves of the flanaess are a bit shorter and lighter than humans, with a slender, athletic build and typically fair complexions, although eye and hair colour can vary among the subraces.

The subraces and revisions are designed to be about as powerful as half elf, elf, or dwarf subraces. Only standard races and subraces are valid and accepted at frc. As a wood elf, you have keen senses and intuition, and your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through your native forests. Like all elves, the teutelquessir were tall, close to humans in height, but more slender and beautiful. Modern elves are split into many distinct cultures. Elves aka sylvan elves are a race featured in the forgotten realms series. Dusk elves, as appearing in curse of strahd, are a mysterious race of elves living in barovia and other worlds, such as the forgotten realms. They see little point in roaming around the world and meeting other peoples, especially when any sun elf can enjoy as much comfort, study, and contemplation as she likes by remaining in one of the hidden sun elf realms. More tolerant of humans than other elves, moon elves were the ancestors of most half elves. A darkskinned subrace of elves that predominantly lived in. Live on an island continent that is an unsunken atlantis for all intents and purposes.

Sun elves are the least likely of the elven subraces to take up the adventurers path. Great sea and sea of fallen stars avariel aka winged elves, ariltelquessir, see races of faerun. They are a long lived race of the telquessir found most commonly in forests, shrublands, and other wildernesses. Also called copper elves, wood elves were a populous subrace that lived simply in the forests. In the forgotten realms campaign setting, gnomes are also known as the forgotten folk. Additionally, humans have bred outside their race many times, resulting in the various halfhuman races like half elves and halforcs as well as planetouched such as tieflings. Elves in the forgotten realms edit the various elven subraces are more prominent in the forgotten realms campaign setting, and faerun boasts several major subraces.

They were considered high elves and among the eladrin. Rare elf subraces the history of elves is one of the longest and most storied in all faerun. Whether a half elf was raised by their human parent or their elven parent, they often felt isolated and alone. Half elves, as usually defined, were humanoids born through the union of an elf and a human. The former had deep green skin, mottled and striped with brown. Most traits for subraces unless that subrace is the default for the base race, like moon elf is the default for elf will not be. Also greyhawk, dragonlance and forgotten realms are all different settings, they may have information on what kinds of elves come from where, or they may only mention different societies and cultures, in which case any elf subrace can come from any location unless mentioned otherwise drow always appear to be the exception. Aquatic elves also called sea elves and alutelquessir in their own tongue were waterbreathing cousins to landdwelling elves. Elves also have a closer affinity for the natural world over civilization and have more or less abandoned the eladrin focus on magic as a whole.

In the first edition, they were portrayed as intensely curious and intellectual, keeping in theme with their spellcasting niche, with an interest in gemstones. Great sea and sea of fallen stars avariel aka winged. The adventure, the saints tomb, is a gamebookstyle adventure, meaning that you make a character sheet, roll your own dice though 2 of each are supplied inbrowser, keep up with your inventory, spells, and hp, and are on your honor to be honest. In html, events will bubble from the innermost element to the outermost element if unhandled. Proficient with halfspear, short bow, and long bow. Ancient divides among the elven people resulted in three main subraces.

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